Anyone who loves Teddy Bears and knows of their secret lives will love this book

Binky Goes to London -

Dame Judi Dench

It is an excellent book

Binky Goes to London -

The Rt Hon Maria Miller MP

The quality of the photographs and the simplicity of the text take Binky into the premier league of children’s books

Tim O’Kelly of One Tree Books – a former Independent Bookshop of the Year.

Any child who loves teddy bears will adore Binky Bear and eagerly look forward to his next adventures

Binky’s Big Adventure -

June Whitfield MBE

I went to all the places in the book with my mummy, daddy and mini Binky and ate cake

Binky in Trouble -

Amelia, age 4

I love London and one day, would really love to meet the Queen for tea myself. Maybe next time Binky and I can try together!

Sacha, age 8, La Coruña, Spain

The boys thoroughly enjoyed Binky Goes to London. A lovely way for children to see the sights without having to be there.

My grand-daughter thinks Binky Bear is awesome

Steve, Michigan, USA

…every time my Jenson picks up the book, in which Binky takes him on a visual guide through London, he gets excited! ...

My children have loved meeting Binky Bear. Both Bud and LM have enjoyed the story and LM loves her new teddy. I think this would be a great book to take on a trip to London.

Luca loves the book and finds the pictures fascinating. An immaculate and magical little set

Binky is firmly part of our family... It’s really sweet to see such a bond to a teddy in such a short amount of time.

Read the story about Binky and his adventures in London and then use the map to follow the same route- taking you past historical landmarks on the way. Having Binky with us made the day fun and gave us the nudge we needed to brave the big city with two toddlers.

We had a lovely day and enjoyed following Binky Bear’s map. The book and bear is such a fantastic and fun idea and Oscar really got into it, reading the book as we went and got excited as he spotted where Binky in his book would of stood.

Our Editor’s pick this month.


A beautiful edition to the series.


Binky Bear is our hero.

Time and Leisure

A special night’s reading…a great tool for Dads.


Featured in This Month’s Coolest Kid’s Stuff.


Don’t miss the Binky Bear Gift Set.

Right Start

Encouraging children to get away from the screen and step outside.

Hampshire Life

Charming book.


Perfect cuddling up opportunity.

Creative Steps