Category Archives: Behind the Scenes

Squirt and Will - with thanks to the Evason Family

Losing A Pet

Coming to terms with losing a pet is something a lot of families have to face. Here at Binky Bear we are great animal lovers. Over the years Binky’s doggy friends and their families have become our friends. There was Max, the Great Dane, in Binky’s Big Adventure, Bertie and Rudi, the two corgis in Binky Goes to London and Squirt in Binky in Trouble. Dear Squirt died earlier this month, which made us think just what it means for the little ones in our lives to lose a much-loved pet, who has been both their friend and confidante. Devon_Aug_2008-2[1]


The loss could be sudden but if the pet has been ailing for a while or is very old, you may have the time to talk about what might happen at the end of his life. When a pet has to be ‘put to sleep’ it’s as well to present the truth in an age-appropriate form. An explanation like ‘ he’ll never get better’ or ‘ he’ll die peacefully’ will depend on the child’s level of understanding. In the long run it’s better to stick to the truth and your own view of what happens after death may inform your explanation, even if it’s just a simple ‘I don’t know’. With thanks to Sue, Jim and Wills

Sharing the grief

It’s difficult to gauge the right moment to break the news. Important considerations are: having the child’s full attention, being in a safe and comfortable place with no distractions and maybe talking one-to-one. It’s also fine for you to be sad, as it’s good for the children to know that you’re affected by the loss too. Sharing is a positive thing. Your pet was a member of the family and loved by everyone. A ceremony to mark his death or celebrate his life can also help. La-Vee[1]

Getting over it

Often the pet arrived in the family home before the children came along. He has always been nearby as they played and later hovered by the front door waiting for them to rush in from school. As time goes by the loss becomes less painful and you find yourselves laughing about the pet’s antics and sharing tales of the fun you had together. In time you may consider another pet. The first inkling may come from the kids themselves. You’ll know when the moment is right. It’s truly amazing what our pets teach us about life and, as it happens, about death as well. We'd like to thank the Evason family for letting us use these wonderful family pictures of Squirt. Useful info from The Blue Cross - And a book: Goodbye, Mog by Judith Kerr (author of the Tiger who Came to Tea) -

Remembering Squirt

Binky and Squirt off on a walk

Binky and Squirt off on a walk

An out-take from Binky in Trouble - Binky and Squirt at Kingsgate, Winchester

An out-take from Binky in Trouble

The Watercress Line

When we moved down to Hampshire we had no idea The Watercress Line would become so much a part of our lives. On a day when the wind blows from the north the whistle of the steam trains cuts through the air as the trains travel in a wide arc behind our village and if the wind drops, a perfect trail of steam will track the trains location as it disappears into a cutting.Continue reading this article...

Binky Bear Goes To Woodlands Primary

A rather wonderful thing has happened at Binky Bear - Woodlands Primary in Carnoustie, Scotland has opened a Binky Bear trail. We spoke with Deputy Head teacher Judith Connor to find out more.

1. Tell us about your school and your part of the UK

Our school is Woodlands Primary School which is in Carnoustie in Angus. Carnoustie is often called 'the home of golf'. We are very lucky to live in a small town on the coast with a beautiful beach. Woodlands Primary School caters for children from 5 - 11 and we also have a nursery class for 3 - 5 year olds. We are an eco school and are currently working on our 4th green flag and we are also a fairtrade school with a fairachiever award. reading-about-the-trail-at-woodlands-primaryContinue reading this article...

What Is A Binky Bear Trail?

When you buy your Binky Bear books you buy an adventure. This post explains what to do next and if you are reading this and wanting to buy our books just click this link books.
Binky Bear Trail Map

Binky Bear Trail Map

Getting the kids outdoors on a Binky Bear trail

Getting the kids outdoors for a blast of fresh air can be a real challenge; it certainly has been in our house. So in 2010 when we started creating Binky Bear books, we hoped that by setting the books in real places, (Central London, Winchester and Alresford in Hampshire), using photographic illustrations and including maps, we could create a fabulous story and provide the inspiration to get everyone out, off the sofa and away from screens, for a family outing.

How do you know you've had a great weekend?

I don’t know about you, but after a busy week, whilst it’s great to flop about a bit at the weekend, it is even better to go back to work on Monday with some warm thoughts about the quality time I’ve spent with the people I care about. That's when I feel like I've had a great weekend.

So how does our read+explore Binky Bear concept work?

When you buy a Binky book you have in your hands an adventure to read and a plan for a great day out. Most people encounter Binky as a book character first so they read the story and then go to Alresford, Winchester or London and using the map in the books, they follow in Binky’s tracks and have their own adventure.
The Trail Maps show the route Binky took in each book.

The Trail Maps show the route Binky took in each book.

Binky Bear: Books+Maps+Bears+Trails

Binky Bear: Books+Maps+Bears+Trails

This is how FQ Magazine describe Binky Goes To London: “This book is a wonderful alternative to the traditional children’s story. By encapsulating real places and pictures it encourages both you and the kids to not only imagine being by the great sights, but actually visit them and take part in the same adventures as Binky. You could read this to them on a Friday night and have them visit exactly the same locations at the weekend creating a smooth transition from fantasy to real experience.

A great tool for dads

And a final word from FQ Magazine: “This is also a great tool for dads, who sometimes have a harder time trying to figure out what to do with their kids on their days off. With a very easy to follow map, you can show your children how to navigate and teach them lessons which Binky has to offer, all the while exploring the sights and sounds in your very own adventure.” This is exactly what we want our books to do for you and your children. Which Binky Bear walk will you do first?

Binky Bear Books at Harrods and Selfridges!

By Liz Nankivell Yes we are delighted to announce that all three books are now on sale in both Harrods and Selfridges.  Binky went along to check out both stores and posed outside with his latest book Binky Goes To London. This is a huge step for us and puts Binky firmly on the international stage.  Binky Goes To London is especially popular with people visiting London with young children: not only do you get a great story to read together but you can use the map in the back of the book to have your own Binky adventure and follow in Binky's footsteps.  What better way to visit the centre of London.

One Proud Teddy!

Wow what a night!  You know what it's like when you have worked your socks off and someone actually says, "We've noticed you and we really like what you do"? We felt very proud to attend the Winchester Business Awards as Finalists in two categories: Rooster Creative Marketing Excellence Online Award and The Breeze Award for Service Excellence. We were up against stiff competition and congratulations must go to the brilliant Blue Bird Care and Pass the CASC.  Next year for Binky Bear!Continue reading this article...

Binky Goes to Harrods

By Liz Nankivell "Needless to say the Little Binkies have been very excited about their London adventure and Binky himself is very chuffed with his Harrod's special offer....." That was all back in October 2014 and now a year later we are proud to say that we still supply all three of our titles to Harrods and Selfridges.  To be stocked in such iconic stores is very good for business.  Virtually all our central London sales are to overseas visitors and it is wonderful to know that little Binky Bears and our books are making their way around the globe. little Binkies getting ready to go up to Harrods  

Binky on the BBC!

By Liz Nankivell You could have heard our squeals of delight in Southampton when we first got the call to be interviewed by Alina Jenkins on BBC Radio Solent Show so it was doubly brilliant to be asked back and meet the lovely Katie Martin and chat to her on her afternoon show.  Katie asked us onto her afternoon show to talk about our journey from Hampshire to Harrods.  You can hear our interview now by clicking this link.  Sit down, put your feet up and have a listen....